Nonprofit Fundraising: What sets you apart?
One of the biggest questions I ask clients during our IMPACT ROADMAP strategy sessions is, what sets you apart? You could have the best mission, and programs but if you aren’t super clear on what sets you apart from another organization, then you haven’t answered the question of why a funder should support you. Your “what sets you apart” statement is your competitive edge and it also gives you a confidence boost. Write a good “what sets you apart statement” and then read it every morning to resolidify your identity in your purpose to serve exactly the way you do. It really makes a compelling addition to your impact roadmap, where you say what your doing, for who, why and how you do it but then you specifically call out WHY YOU. WHY are you the best person for the job? So in this episode I walk you through how to write a good “what sets you apart” statement.
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