Keeping Faith while Running a Nonprofit

faith nonprofit leadership Feb 15, 2023

Have you ever found yourself asking God…

If this was what you called me to do, why aren’t you funding it?

Why aren’t you bringing the support?

You know the people interested in your cause exist. You know God can do anything, so why are you struggling so much?

Like what was all this for?

This is what my conversation was like nearly every day while my nonprofit. 

I would have inspirational moments where I would imagine that one phone call that would give us 1 million dollars...

and I would have nervous breakdowns planning how I was going to write the landlord that we couldn’t make rent.

So I think it’s really important to acknowledge the faith roller coaster of following your calling, how isolating it can be, and how our perspective can take us out of struggle, fear, limitation, and insecurity and bring us to possibility, optimism, clarity, and peace 

WATCH NOW: Keeping Faith while Running a Nonprofit

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